JoeScan.JCamNet Namespace

ScannerConfig Methods

The ScannerConfig type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member ClearScannerCableId
Clear a scanner's Cable ID.
Public method Static member FindAllScanners()()()()
Locate all scanners on the local network.
Public method Static member FindAllScanners(ScannerConfig..::..ScannerResponseDelegate)
Locate a specific scanners on the local network using a callback delegate. NOTE: This may not work on multi-NIC machines without first calling ScannerConfig.SetScannerNetowrkIpAddress().
Public method Static member FindScanner
Locate a specific scanner on the network (by cable ID or serial number).
Public method Static member SetScannerCableId
Set a scanner's Cable ID.
Public method Static member SetScannerIpAddress
Set a scanner's IP address configuration.
Public method Static member SetScannerNetworkIpAddress
Set the IP Address to bind to for sending and receiving discovery and configuration packets. WARNING, this is done globally.