JoeScan.JCamNet Namespace

Profile Members

The Profile type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Profile()()()()
Public method Profile(BinaryReader)


  Name Description
Public method GetEnumerator
Get an enumerator over the ProfileDataPoint objects in this profile.


  Name Description
Public property Count
The number of data points in the profile
Public property Flags
The flags attached to this scan.
Public property Inputs
The values of the input lines (Channel A/Channel B/Start Scan) when the scan was taken.
Public property Item
Access a ProfileDataPoint by index in the collection.
Public property LaserIndex
Index of the laser used for this profile. For single-laser models, this is always 0, for multi-laser models, the laser at end farthest away from the camera has the index 0.
Public property LaserOnTime
Get the amount of time the laser was on for this scan. Unit: microseconds.
Public property Location
Get the encoder value when the scan was taken.
Public property SendLocation
Get the encoder value when the scan was retrieved from the scanner.
Public property SequenceNumber
Get the sequence number of the scan. This number is restarted when syncronized scanning is restarted.
Public property TimeInHead
The time since the scanner was powered on when the scan was retrieved. Unit: milliseconds.
Public property Z
Z value of this profile